Civil practice

Attorneys association «Astrum» provides the following legal services in the field of civil law:


- providing legal assistance and consultations on all property issues - a loan (according to IOU, contracts), purchase and sale of property, donations, rent, leasing, loans, mortgages, sureties, division of common property

- litigation on the recognition of property rights, recovery of property from someone else's illegal possession or reimbursement of its value

- family disputes - divorce, alimony obligations, division of joint property of the spouses, establishment of the fact of living with the family without registration of marriage

- hereditary disputes - consultations on registration of hereditary property, litigation on removal from the right to inherit, drawing up and certification of a will, legal analysis of contracts of life maintenance in the context of hereditary disputes,

- drawing up and concluding contracts, applications, complaints, appeals, any documents of a legal nature

- representation of the client's interests in any state bodies, institutions, organizations

- participation in negotiations in the interests of the client,

- pre-trial settlement of disputes

- representation in the course of debt collection, judicial protection, appeals to law enforcement agencies

- litigation for compensation of material and moral damage

- housing disputes on determining the order of housing use, resettlement, eviction, deregistration

- legal advice on equity participation in construction, risk analysis of construction projects

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